9702/53/O/N/10: A student is investigating how the discharge of a capacitor through a resistor depends on the resistance of the resistor. The equipment is set up as shown in Fig. 2.1.
The student charges the capacitor of capacitance C and then discharges it through a resistor of resistance R. After 15.0 s the student records the potential difference V across the capacitor. The student repeats this procedure for different values of R.
It is suggested that V and R are related by the equation \(V = V_0 e^{–\frac{t}{CR}}\) where \(V_0\) is the initial potential difference across the capacitor and t is the time over which the capacitor has discharged.
Solutions for practical Paper 5 variant 3 Question 2 Oct/Nov 2010 Cambridge A Level Physics.